Series: "Domus Tua"

Dimensions: 22,5 x 30,5 x 10,5 cm

Technique: Acrylic paint and epoxy resin on plaster.
Year: 2023

* A certificate of authenticity is issued for each work of art

Dimensions: 22,5 x 30,5 x 10,5 cm

Technique: Acrylic paint and epoxy resin on plaster.
Year: 2023

* A certificate of authenticity is issued for each work of art

Dimensions: 22.5 x 30.5 x 15 cm

Technique: Acrylic paint and epoxy resin on plaster.
Year: 2023
It can be placed both on the floor and as a wall sculpture

* A certificate of authenticity is issued for each work of art

Dimensions: 22,5 x 30,5 x 9 cm

Technique: Acrylic paint and epoxy resin on plaster.
Year: 2023

* A certificate of authenticity is issued for each work of art

We are losing the connection with nature, the primordial contact with the earth and consequently with our roots.

We are neglecting what we call home to entrust ourselves to other idols.

We focus on the action itself in the act in which it is performed, leaving indelible scars along the way. 

Wastes of a rotten and sad society emerge from nature becoming part of its sensitivity and of our spirit.

Accumulated remains that, day after day, waste after waste, will be the foundations of our new home or the foundations of our future grave.